Go To The Nations
Don't you just love when Jesus is on your case. And He is, all the time.
Sunday evening a Pastor friend from New Zealand messages me a word that's has me still trying to pick my mouth from off the floor. As part of the word she tells me that as confirmation the Lord is going to gift me handbags as a sign and I'll need a bag closet and that He is going to fill them up.
Last night I am with friends of mine in London a husband and wife team. He works for a top three world leading airline. They decided to gift me one of their airline concessions so I can travel to any country in the world for free. Wait!!!!! What? Oh yes they did! Shaka!!! Oh the people in my boat.
As they prayed for me the wife tells me to keep my eyes closed. She leaves the room. When she returned she hung something on my arm. At that point it was proper ugly crying. Even though I didn't see what it is I knew it was a handbag. She told me the Lord told her to give me the bag. It came with another significant word.
This morning the Lord reminded me that less than a month ago another couple gave me a very significant handbag. Thank you Daddy!! This afternoon as I arrived at Heathrow airport for my flight to Sweden right at my feet is a $100 bill. And this Is just for starters. Never strive or fight for what's already yours. Always position your heart to receive and be generous with what you have. Live a life of pure thankfulness. It is after all the Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom!!!