Esther is a pioneer, a catalyst for change and a prophetic voice that influences senior government, business leaders and the poor. Born in London, Esther has been a Christian most of her life. She worked as a police officer in London for over 13 years before leaving to follow the call of God on her life. Through a radical face-to-face visitation with Jesus, she re-gained her voice, her life and her identity was restored.
Esther completed three years of training at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding California, including an internship with the Director of Bethel’s Healing Ministries. She was Ministry Associate to the Director and was also a part of Bethel Activation Ministry (B.A.M).
Esther is called to go to the nations and now travels internationally throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and North and South America. She desires to see a powerful church and for every man, woman and child to step into the abundance of heaven to see Jesus get His full reward. She is called to activate, encourage and empower the church into her true Royal identity, destiny and purpose. She leads people into supernatural encounters with the Lord and longs to see the church move in supernatural signs and wonders through transformed minds that believe “Nothing is impossible with God”. She has given herself to fully live for Jesus. Her call as well as her heart's desire is to see women in the body of Christ awakened and empowered to rule and reign and fully walking in their God given destinies.
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God is Good all the time
Grace is a free gift
God Speaks Today like He did yesterday
Jesus Empowers Supernatural Ministry
The Kingdom of God is Advancing
Hope In a Glorious Bride
Highest value of His Presence
Salvation Creates Identity
Creating Healthy Families
Free and Responsible
Honour Affirms Value
God's Word Transforms